Real People Share Real Stories

It is said that a smart person learns from their own mistakes, but a wise one learns from the mistakes of others 

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Below are stories shared for the book. To protect anonymity, some identities and certain details have been altered.

Acid on the 1st Date 

We were at his place after a nice dinner, talking and getting to know each other better. Suddenly, he accidentally hit his head on the nightstand. Instead of being concerned about his injury, he laughed it off and suggested we take acid together. I was shocked and politely declined, making up an excuse to leave. The proposal to do drugs on a first date was so outlandish and inappropriate that it left me reeling.   

Coffee Shop Creeper 

After a coffee date, he followed me home despite my clear disinterest. I had to call a friend to help me get rid of him. It was a scary experience that made me more cautious about who I met and where. The incident left me feeling vulnerable and anxious, questioning my safety in familiar spaces..   

The Voyeur  

After chatting with a woman online for a few weeks, a man decided to meet her for drinks. From the moment they met, there was an undeniable chemistry between them. They shared laughter, engaging conversation, and a few cocktails. The physical energy between them was palpable, and they both agreed to keep things casual.

As the evening progressed, she invited him over to her place. Once there, they shared a couple of glasses of wine and quickly moved to the bedroom. Everything seemed perfect until, in the midst of their passionate encounter, he felt an odd sensation. Turning his head, he was extremely surprised to see a man sitting quietly in the corner of the room, watching them. Panicked, he asked who the man was. She calmly replied that he was her husband and that he only enjoyed watching, reassuring him to just ignore it. His heart raced, and a wave of discomfort washed over him. He couldn't stay another minute. Hastily throwing on his clothes, he left her house as quickly as he could. The incident left him shaken and questioning his judgment.   


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